Additional Resources
Resources you may find helpful:
American Academy of Pediatrics: A leading resource dedicated to researching and the advancement of pediatric medicine
The Heart Center at Nationwide Children’s: One of the nation’s leading cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery programs for all ages. Learn more about specialty services offered from fetus to adulthood, access information on pediatric heart conditions, treatment options and full color animations for a variety of congenital heart conditions. The pregnancy and baby page of helps you take care of yourself and your growing family by getting the advice that all new parents and parents-to-be need. Here you can read about baby proofing your home, preventing SIDS, how to stay healthy during pregnancy, coping with colic, for example.
La Leche League International: A worldwide organization whose mission is to help mothers to breastfeed and improve the general understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.
March of Dimes: An organization created to better understand and find discoveries for the prevention of birth defects and premature birth. The March of Dimes Baby page is a resource to help you prepare and care for your baby and better understand your baby’s health.
National Down Syndrome Society: Since 1979, the NDSS serves to advocate for and educate about Down Syndrome.
Nationwide Children’s Hospital: Resource on pediatric medicine with strengths in providing quality of care with subspecialist-trained physicians.
Parents of Premature Babies: A non-profit foundation supporting families with children born six weeks or more before due date.